Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Reoccurring Feature, the First: Where I Mock The BanHammer's Typos Until I Can Post Without His Approval

From "A Look Back" on Wtty1:
Purdue stepped it up with a big win over Purdue
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't drink and blog, people. Someone's gonna get hurt.

In WWII news, I heard that the United States stepped it up with a big win over the United States, the Germans went down hard to the Germans, and the Russians couldn't handle the Russian onslaught from the Russians. Those Poles better be on their guard against a Polish invasion of Poland. Everyone knows that the Polish have no mercy, especially when it comes to Poles.

That's right: I'm going to keep this up until I can post unmoderated....

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Don't ya know me Kansas City!?! I'm the new Berlin Wall."

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have a breakthrough. We now have the ear of the man wielding the banhammer on comments with such unjudicious force. In response to "Don't leave me hangin' on like a yo-yo":
Brandon Christol said...
No need to wait--I've already rejected them!

February 16, 2009 4:58 PM

That's right folks. Remember when the Berlin Wall came down? Well, this is nothing like that at all. But it *is* like the guy who threw a rock at one of the guards before it came down and got his attention, and then the guard mocked the rock-thrower, shot him, and went off to execute the rock-thrower's children and sleep with his wife.

In the words of Hedwig and her Angry Inch, "Ain't much of a difference / between a bridge and a wall. / Without me right in the middle, baby / WOW, you won't be nothin' at all."

A post where I will put all of my as-of-yet-unapproved comments to Brandon Christol's blog (and WTTY2's arch-nemisis) WTTY1

In response to "Movin' on Down?":

Dear Mr. Christol. There are too many words in blog posts these days. Please eliminate 500. I am not a crackpot.
If Soriano had crabs, would that affect your analysis. If so, how?
Dear Mr. Christol,

Please write a post about ponies.

Loretta Hannily, age 3
If Soriano were a hotdog, would you eat him?

I know I would. He would be *delicious.*

/bites own arm.
If Soriano had herpes, would *that* affect your analysis?
What about gonorrhea? The clap?
Maybe I can save some time: how do STDs play into your analysis?
Hey: did you hear the one about the Cubs winning the World Series?

Yeah. Me neither.

Please submit your unapproved comments in my comments.


The hilarious ponies comment has been posted.

That is all.

Don't leave me hangin' on like a yo-yo...

Still waiting for Brandon to approve my comments...

Tic toc. Tic toc.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Open Forum for How You Feel about Comment Approval

Just comment away. Here's a picture to get you started:

You need the approval of this man?

I don't think so.

But Brandon Christol thinks you do. Drunk on the veto power he has as an admissions officer, he wants to approve YOUR POSTS on HIS BLOG. So let him hear about it at Wtty1:
Wtty1 Link

Also, did you know that all caps is an EFFECTIVE PERSUASIVE TOOL? You do now, DON'T YOU?

This post needs no words

But if it did, "YOUR COMMENTS" would be written on the guy bending over, and "BRANDON CHRISTOL" would be written on the dude eyeballin' his hiney.